What DESIT can do for you?
Design new machinery

Thanks to the curiosity of the staff, DESIT is now able to offer high quality design for different industrial fields.
DESIT is a technical team made up of 20 specialized, expert professionals, who follow high quality standards by using 3D software such as Solid Edge® and Solid Works®.
Feasibility studies

Automation improves quality and increases the efficiency of the production processes. DESIT is able to perform detailed Feasibility Studies. Allows us to evaluate your ideas.
Training of technical human resources

With the advent of Cad 3D software, modern engineering standards follow specific rules throughout all the activities of the technical office. DESIT will assist you and give valid advice while choosing the most appropriate software (Cad and Project Management Software) for your company. DESIT is also able to support you to have a clear Bill of Materials (BOM) and to codify accordingly your projects to keep an organized revision chronology. This is aimed at preventing data loss or confusion. DESIT is commercial agent of Solid Edge® and Rule Designer®

DESIT supports you in protecting your ideas and working with you to obtain the fundamental documents, which will enable you to produce and market your invention.
- Evaluation of your idea
- Adhoc Research
- Technical drafting and the Description of the idea
- Document Preparation by a law firm
Risk Analysis

Risk analysis is a mandatory process during the design. DESIT expertise allows you to identify the steps to be taken in order to eliminate or reduce the hazards for the operators, as explicitly stipulated by Directive 2006/42/EC (Machinery Directive). Consideration of the different staff activities and single operational tasks.
- Analysing and description of the design solutions.
- Evaluation of the residual risks
- Definition of the safety pictograms
- Identification of the safety recommendations for the instruction manual.
- Designing a technical Report of Compliance.
Technical manuals

DESIT team has the required competencies to create your user manual in accordance with the Machinery Directive. Users manuals are not only mandatory documents, but can also become a valid communication tool between manufacturers and final users.
- General Information
- Safety: staff qualification, pictograms, risks descriptions and operational reccomendations.
- Installation: arragement, transport, assembling, electic and wiring installation, tests.
- Machine use: operating procedures, machinery starting, monitoring and different appliances.
- Mainteinance requirements.
- Tecnical Translations: English and Spanish.